For a lot of people, purchasing a vehicle starts online, where they do their research on various car models, check their features, make comparisons, and look for possible options that will meet their transportation needs, lifestyle as well as budget. But, when it comes to checking, doing a test drive, and purchasing the vehicle in person, you will want to transact with a dealership with a good reputation.
Lexus North Scottsdale – Dealership You Can Trust
At present, there are over 18,000 car dealerships across the United States. That figure clearly shows that people who are interested and planning to purchase a vehicle have a vast range of options to choose from. However, a buyer’s car shopping experience will depend on the dealership you choose to do business with.
Earnhardt Lexus is one of Arizona’s Lexus North Scottsdale dealerships that was voted by the public as the top dealership in Arizona for the years 2020 and 2021. This survey is conducted annually by Arizona Big Media. Earning the top spot recognizes the dealership’s hard work in providing outstanding customer service as well as quality products.
Being voted as the top car dealership in Arizona, Earnhardt Lexus continues to make every effort to uphold their present standards as well as carry out improvements wherever needed. In doing so, they ensure to maintain the reputation expected of a luxury car dealership.
When it comes to choosing a dealership, reputation is a fundamental factor to consider. Purchasing a vehicle, whether pre-owned or new, is a huge investment that you can make. Hence, you want to make certain that you are doing business with a reputable dealership, such as the Lexus North Scottsdale dealership, to ensure you get excellent service and your money’s worth.
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Choosing A Dealership – Reputation Is Crucial
According to research conducted by SalesFuel, the reputation of a car dealership is everything. Based on the research, 59% of the respondents stated that the reputation of the dealership was the most vital factor in terms of which car dealership to transact with. As reputation was a factor that ranked really high in the process of selecting a dealership, setting focus on the experience of customers can result in huge wins in an industry that is very competitive.
Other factors that car shoppers look into when choosing a dealership and influences their choice included the following:
- Vehicle Selection – 51.8%
- Willingness to Negotiate or Make a Deal – 43.1%
- Location (either close to one’s home or place of work) – 33.3%
- Support of a Significant Charity or Cause – 5.3%