Do We really need Social Interaction?

It is natural among humans to socialize. Most people, they feel more complete and validated through companionship and connection built. This is why you’d see a lot more ways today to connect from the best motorcycle intercom that can execute voice commands without tapping a button on your smartphone, social media that lets people send instant messages to anyone across the world, and of course, the thousands of communication app available on App Store and Google Play.

Why it is Good to Connect to Others?

By being socially connected, it benefits us in a number of ways than you thought. Some of the benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Eases anxiety
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Lowers depression
  • Boost self-worth
  • Provide joy and comfort
  • Prevent loneliness

On the other hand, the lack of social skills might pose some serious emotional and mental problems to the person in question.

How We Connect Today?

Nowadays, it is undeniable that majority of people are heavily relying on various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more to connect with each other. While each platform has its own benefits, it is vital to take into account that social media will never serve as a replacement for real human connection.

For us to really connect, it is imperative to have in-person contact with other people. This is vital in a way that it is triggering hormones that are alleviating stress and make a person feel healthier, happier and have a more positive outlook in life.

Positive Impact of Social Media 

While the virtual connection we make on social media does not bring similar psychological advantages as what in-person contact does, still there are many benefits it can put on the table. These benefits are enough to support wellbeing and help people stay connected.

Some examples of these advantages of using social are:

  • Communicating and staying updated with friends and family in different parts of the country
  • Finding new communities and friends and networking with others who share the same passion or interest as you do
  • Promoting or joining worthwhile causes or even raising awareness on significant issues
  • Offering or seeking emotional support throughout difficult times