Social Media Addiction

Technology addiction is an impulse control disorder that involves the obsessive use of mobile devices, the internet, or video games, despite negative consequences to the user of the technology. Try to lessen the addiction to games or other doing with the technology. If you like visiting websites, sites try here hugo & sons it can help to provide the need of the house not only playing but to find to decorate your house.

The number of young people with problematic use of social media and/or games is more than 10 percent. That is quite a lot: every teacher has to deal with it and many parents feel that their children are in the danger zone. Addiction to social media is less likely to be seen than problematic gaming behavior.


ADHD symptoms

Research from Utrecht University was recently published on the relationship between ADHD symptoms and social media use, which also revealed an interesting connection. These were young people aged 13 and 14 who are being followed for a while in the Digital Youth research project, and who were asked about concentration problems, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, the so-called ADHD symptoms. There was no relationship between ADHD symptoms and hours of social media use. There was also no connection the other way around: the young people whose ADHD symptoms had increased, had stopped spending more hours on social media. But when social media use was problematic —think arguing at home through social media use, lying to parents about time spent on social media, loss of interest in hobbies, or other forms of addictive behavior—then there was an association with ADHD symptoms. Incidentally, the relationship was not seen the other way around.

Worse grades

In other words, the number of hours a young person spends on social media has no bearing on developing concentration problems, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. But as soon as a young person has developed addictive behavior, that influence is there and these ADHD symptoms increase and especially impulsivity and concentration problems. That such problematic social media use has consequences for school results – lower grades are understandable: for schoolwork, you simply need to be able to concentrate and pay attention for longer, which requires self-regulation. Apparently, these skills decline with problematic use of social media. And the more symptoms of addictive behavior, the stronger the effect turned out to be.

Watch out for compulsive behavior

It is therefore important that parents, but also other professionals such as teachers, are alert to falling figures. Then look not only at the use of games but also at the use of social media. Is it problematic behavior? Problematic social media use is much less recognizable than problematic gaming. The consequences, such as loss of concentration and more impulsiveness, are not immediately linked to the number of hours on Snapchat or Instagram. Young people themselves do not know that there is a connection between this.

Less good in their own skin

Other research from the Digital Youth project shows that young people who experience symptoms of social media addiction tend to be less satisfied with their own lives over time. If such a young person is with a psychologist and tells that things are not going well, it is difficult to determine whether his problem was caused by endless messages and the number of likes every minute check. The compulsive, compulsive behavior in social media is also less noticeable than in gaming. After all, just about every young person sits continuously with his mobile phone in his hand. This makes it more difficult to identify social media use as the cause of the problem, unlike with gaming or, for example, the use of alcohol and drugs. But there is a group where things go wrong, because of Snapchat and Instagram, with possible consequences for their development and school career.